Tuesday, December 05, 2006

# 121 My lizard is gone...

The gecko that used to eat up the LGBs from my desk has left me cold, and gone to my neighbour (Bollam)'s room.... Dats long back...

I'd been to Puri and Konark, and also Bhubaneswar... wow nice places really.
But the blessing was to see Dolphins jumping water near the shore!! I had never even dreamt of seeing a dolphin jump waters in my life, it was indeed beautiful!

Calcutta too is a nice place. My perception of the City of Joy changed indeed when I went there and went out with a few very good friends: Roshnai and Tanker....
Roshnai... you know her well, sweet and bubbly as usual,

Tanker... whos this tanker?? He's the God
of Peace! The eternal TeaPot Mr SnowWhite Chakrabarti! Man I wouldnt challenge his aptitude for tea!

None the less, but for the grades, this sem has been nice. Hope to see myself in a great place next year. The realisation of the dream says: do as much as you can, the bastards will always win the race - be happy with what you are and what you get from your own hard work.
Survival of the fittest is the order of the day, but in the end, its the human who wins and not the man!
(for more funda read my book)

Time to go home now, take care of a few things there. Hav to get back with a bang!
And yes please please please please watch My Sassy Girl, its really awesome, its my inspiration!!


At Wed Dec 06, 10:54:00 pm IST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

loved the outing too...will wait eagerly for ur return...have a happy and joyful stay there and do miss me loads....

At Wed Dec 06, 10:58:00 pm IST, Blogger Unknown said...

miss u loads too dumbo!!
i hope ul tk good care of urself!!


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