Saturday, September 16, 2006

#117 Panorama

This one is actually made up by merging laterally 3 different photographs taken radially apart. Its behind our gymkhana here at IIT Kgp, should I call it a pond or rather a Lake Island!! The bridge takes us straight to the center of the island forest, much like the bridge linking HongKong city to the international airport! Well, does it really??


At Mon Sept 25, 09:34:00 pm IST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahah very funny...hong kong hahaha

At Wed Sept 27, 06:16:00 am IST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

are there animals in there?

At Sat Sept 30, 11:27:00 pm IST, Blogger Nishant said...

have u ever tried a trip to the international airport??


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