Tuesday, August 14, 2007

# 161 Pachelbel... in my heart

What is the worth of a tear? Who knows it? Only time...

Pachelbel's Canon is a song that sends me to a world unknown to anybody other than me. Yes, its me and me. How can there be anyone else, when I say "me and me"?

There is a lot of darkness and a lot of brightness that exist together. Have you ever seen that? How can darkness co exist with brightness? Is there anything called darkness? Is darkness just the absence of brightness?

I dont fear, and I am not empty.

I am not shallow, and I am not hard.

I wont give up, and I wont falter.

I wont be 'the one' again.

Only time will tell... I shall join my hands and pray.


At Fri Aug 17, 06:34:00 pm IST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

selfish giant !!! kh kh kh :P


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