Monday, November 28, 2005


Today morning, I saw a butterfly, not just one, sorry, I saw two of them. And I even told her that I saw two butterflies. They were white, good white enough (or perhaps beige). They were fluttering outbreaks flutters... Wow that was an awesome sight. More so, it made them look even more beautiful because they had a dot each on both their wings. A big green dot. I tried some goggling, and got some name like a cabbage butterfly, blah blah.. but one name I particularly found striking... A White Butterfly. Yes, that's what was written there toh.. White Butterfly. I wish I could capture them, Only If.... But nevertheless I found a similar photograph on Google, so here it is.
Today was a good day for me. It was not just good, it was special.
Thanks a lot !!
My dear butterfly, Thanks!!


At Mon Nov 28, 09:10:00 pm IST, Blogger Dewdrop said...

u've been coming up with really sweet posts of late...[:)]

keep blogging and keep smiling[:)]

At Mon Nov 28, 10:32:00 pm IST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

u knw actually na they were raddoz too...pakka.......

At Mon Nov 28, 10:39:00 pm IST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

u actually found a really good pic....a very appropriate as good as u r...

At Tue Nov 29, 09:00:00 pm IST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

the pic is realy gud..may every1 had a vision lik u 2 see the beauty of each n every small thing in the world...

At Fri Dec 02, 10:29:00 am IST, Blogger Abigail Alexis~ said...

Butterflys are good omens, or so I have heard. This one is very lovley.

:) AB


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